Accused attempted to swing knife at casino security guard, court told

The accused was ushered into a lift at the casino in the early hours of the morning, the court heard. File picture
A casino customer allegedly attempted to swing a knife at a security man after being ushered into the lift to leave the premises in the early hours of the morning, a court has heard.
Judge Mary Dorgan refused to grant bail to 21-year-old Cian O’Connell, of 22 Elderwood Park, Boreenmanna Road, Cork.
Defence solicitor Eddie Burke stressed that the accused was only charged with having a knife in his possession. He was never in prison before, Mr Burke added.
Sergeant Gearóid Davis objected to bail being granted because of what was described as the seriousness of the charge.
The case arose out of an alleged incident shortly before 4am on Sunday, November 26, at The Bank casino at Clarke’s Bridge, Cork.
It was alleged that the accused was present with a knife, the security guard approached him and he refused to co-operate. He was escorted into the lift and he struggled with the security guard, produced a knife, and attempted to swing the knife at the security guard.
The officer restrained him awaiting the arrival of the gardaí. The knife was seized by gardaí at the scene.
Judge Dorgan said: “I am very concerned about the seriousness of the charge in this court. The size of the knife and the alleged fact that it was swung at a security guard.”
Cross-examining the accused, Sgt Davis asked: “Did you have any reason for having it?”
He replied: “Self-defence. Just fear, that’s all it is.”
The defendant’s father testified that his son was more than welcome to come home and live with him and abide by any curfew the court might impose on him.
Judge Dorgan remanded the young man in custody until December 4.