Here are the cost-of-living payments from Budget 2024 that will be paid this week

In total, nine lump sum payments will be paid from November 2023 through to January 2024.
Three of the once-off cost-of-living payment measures introduced in Budget 24 will be paid starting from Monday.
The supports were introduced in October by Finance Minister Michael McGrath as part of the €25.2bn spend on the Department of Social Protection in 2024.
In total, nine lump-sum payments will be paid from November 2023 through to January 2024.
The first three kicked in last Monday. This week, three more are being paid.
These are:
- A once-off payment of €100 to people who get an increase for a qualified child—you will get one payment per qualified child beginning this week. It will be paid to families in respect of 370,000 qualified children
- A once-off payment of €200 to people getting the Living Alone Increase between November 29 (Wednesday) and December 1 (Friday.) This will be paid to approximately 240,000 people.
- A once-off payment of €400 to people getting the Carer’s Support Grant or Domiciliary Care Allowance on November 30 (Thursday). Around 120,000 people will receive this payment.
All the lump-sum and double payments are automatically paid so people do not need to apply for them.
These once-off payments are not the only changes from Budget 2024 that will be made to some of the social welfare schemes.
The Working Family Payment income limits will increase by €54 across all family sizes from January 2024.
A Christmas Bonus of 100% will be paid in the week beginning December 4 to people getting a qualifying social welfare payment, as well as the double Child Benefit payment of €280 per child on December 5.

Commenting on this week’s lump-sum payments, Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys said: “I’m very pleased this week to announce the payment of the €400 Cost of Living lump sum for carers, which will help support approximately 120,000 carers and their families.
“This will be paid automatically on Thursday to those who are receiving the Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Benefit, Domiciliary Care Allowance and the standalone Carer’s Support Grant, at an estimated cost of almost €48 million.
“And on top of that, we are also this week paying out the €200 living alone allowance lump sum, supporting some 240,000 people.
“And finally this week, we will make a €100 payment to households in receipt of the Qualified Child Payment. This will benefit some 370,000 children and their families, putting more money in their pockets ahead of the Christmas period.”