Sinn Féin remains Ireland’s most popular party despite drop, poll suggests

Sinn Féin finds itself on 29%, a drop of three points from 32% last month
Sinn Féin remains Ireland’s most popular party despite drop, poll suggests

Sinn Féin supporters are the most eager for a general election, with 69% saying they would prefer to vote next year. Picture: PA

Sinn Féin has seen another drop in support, according to a new opinion poll, however, they remain the most popular political party.

The party finds itself on 29%, a drop of three points from 32% last month, according to the latest Business Post/Red C poll.

Fine Gael remains unchanged at 20%, while support for Fianna Fáil has climbed one point to 16%. Their coalition partner, the Green Party, remains unchanged at 4%.

The Social Democrats continue to lead the table of smaller parties, coming in at 6%, followed by the Labour Party with a decrease of one point to 4%.

People Before Profit–Solidarity remains at 3%, with Aontú still at 2%.

Independents saw an increase of one point to 13% overall.

According to the poll, 3% of people say they would vote for 'other parties' while 10% say they are undecided.

The poll was carried out between November 17 and November 22.

In a separate question, when asked if they'd want to see an election in 2024 or 2025, 47% said next year, and 29% said the year after.

Sinn Féin supporters are the most eager for a general election, with 69% saying they would prefer to vote next year, while 26% of Fine Gael supporters and 27% of supporters favour going to the polls early.

Independent voters also showed strong support for an early general election with 55% favouring casting their ballots in 2024.

The poll was carried out between November 17 and November 22.

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