Beginner’s Pluck: Ellen Ryan on her latest book on Irish mythology

'Gods Don't Cry' is absolutely brilliant: 'These stories challenge modern ideas of heroism'
Beginner’s Pluck: Ellen Ryan on her latest book on Irish mythology

Ellen Ryan: 'Irish history, and historical novels in particular gave me a sense of my culture and identity.'

Ellen’s interest in Irish history and mythology started young.

“From age 10, I wanted to be a writer. Irish history, and historical novels in particular gave me a sense of my culture and identity. I was grateful to writers like Walter Macken and Marita Conlon McKenna, and wanted to contribute something to Irish culture.” 

After studying journalism, and having an internship with Indeopendent Newspapers, Ellen turned to PR.

“I moved up the ranks, then, after taking an MA in Business, developed myself into a management role. Then I went Freelance. I had some great clients and was earning well.” 

This was when Ellen started taking her writing seriously.

“My love of writing and of Irish history and mythology collided.” 

Angry that stories of Irish Goddesses were nowhere to be seen, Ellen decided to remedy that, and in, Girls Who Slay Monsters, she told their tales through a contemporary lens. The book won several prestigious awards.

“Writing that book, I realised boys were just as underserved. Gods were shown as mascots of Irish patriotism, but so many were scholars and poets, and in touch with nature. I wanted to write God’s coming of age stories. I wrote the two books, almost, in tandem.” 

Who is Ellen Ryan?

Date/place of birth: 1985/ in Greystones, but lived in Dundrum from aged three until 16.

Education: Notre Dame, Churchtown; Griffith College, Journalism. University College Dublin, MA in Business.

Home: Greystones.

Family: Husband Ron and daughter Martha, 5.

The day job: Fulltime Writer.

In another life: I’d be a marine biologist. I love all types of Sealife, and scuba-dived in my 20’s.”

Favourite writers: Marita Conlon Mckenna; Derek Landy; Eoin Colfer; Catherine Doyle; Catherine Rundell; Wilkie Collins.

Next book: “I’ll stick with Gods and Mythology for children, but in future I’d like to write for adults too.” 

Top tip: “Accept that failure is part of the process. Don’t let it define you or stop you.” 

Instagram: @Ellen_Ryan_Writes 

The debut 

Gods Don't Cry by Ellen Ryan
Gods Don't Cry by Ellen Ryan

Gods Don’t Cry; Harper Collins Children’s Books, €19.99

Cas Corach slayed monsters through his intellect; gentle, dark skinned Manannan gained hero status through his love of the sea. Cnú Deroil suffered from dwarfism but was revered for his music.

The verdict: Absolutely brilliant. These stories challenge modern ideas of heroism.

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