Irish Examiner view: Posterity will be generous to the memory of the late Ben Dunne

Shoppers queue for the opening of the first Dunnes Stores on St Patrick's Street, Cork, on March 31, 1944. Ben Dunne was a scion of that business empire but his life was also touched by trauma, not least being kidnapped by the IRA. File picture: Irish Examiner Archive
Ben Dunne, the fabled Cork entrepreneur who died in Dubai after suffering a heart attack at the age of 74, properly qualifies for those euphemisms beloved of obituary writers. Whether you describe him as “colourful” or “larger than life”, both descriptions, and many others will be huge understatements.

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“I don’t know what the remit is,” said Gareth Southgate. “It would worry me that we’re trying to find simple solutions to very complex problems. Which is often the way in life.”
It is often the way. New broom administrators and regulators supported by lawyers, accountants, and PR spin merchants like to make their mark. We must remember that old warning: “Be careful what you wish for.”

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