Flick through the pages of our Renewable Island e-magazine

Inside industry insights and progress reports on all sectors of renewable energy, environmentally sustainable construction, transport and more in our 32-page e-paper 
Flick through the pages of our Renewable Island e-magazine

The Irish Examiner's 32-page Renewable Island special publication brings you the latest inside industry insights on renewable energy and related progress in the sustainability initiatives in construction, transport and other sectors.

Ireland's progress towards its climate action goals of a 51% reduction in emissions by 2030 across all sectors of the economy will require a shared commitment by all sectors of industry and society. 

Climate scientists have reported that 2023 is on track to be the warmest year in the history of mankind. Soaring global temperatures, more frequent storms and the threat to countless species of animals and plant life are widely accepted as being a product of man-made climate change.   

Naturally, the most significant element within Ireland's overall climate action strategy is the need to accelerate the development of alternative, sustainable renewable energy. Ireland's gradual move away from imported fossil fuels is partly driven by the nation's climate commitments, and partly driven by a desire to attain greater energy autonomy. 

The pages in the Renewable Island publication, accessible by clicking on the link below, feature articles focused on some of the leading companies and state agencies driving progress within renewable energy sectors, some progressing rapidly and some outlining the actions and supports they need for further progress. 

Of course, reducing carbon emissions is not just down to the energy sector, which is why the publication also includes articles on the sustainability actions being taken in construction, transport, agri-food and a selection of other sectors of industry. 

To read the 32-page e-paper edition of Renewable Island, click on the link below.
To read the 32-page e-paper edition of Renewable Island, click on the link below.

Click HERE to flick through the e-paper of Irish Examiner's 32-page Renewable Island special publication, which was circulated in print on Friday, November 17, 2023. 

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