Dr Phil: Will eliminating dairy help to improve eczema symptoms?

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Eczema is usually the result of genetic predisposition or other atopic conditions, such as asthma and allergies. Environmental triggers can also play a role, and this is where dust allergy and food intolerance can come into play. Actual dairy allergy is relatively uncommon, affecting 2% to 8% of the population. A dairy allergy can be severe, causing swelling, hives and dramatic illness immediately after exposure or a delayed response causing skin issues or bowel upset. Excluding dairy is unlikely to improve symptoms among those who do not have an allergy to cow’s milk. For infants or young children, I would strongly recommend talking to your doctor or a registered dietitian before you remove a food group, as a nutritional equivalent will need to be introduced into their diet.
- Question supplied by a parenting forum. If you have a question for Dr Phil Kieran, please send it to parenting@examiner.ie