Working Life: I love learning new things

Dr Sinead Walsh. consultant respiratory physician, Galway University Hospital.
After a coffee, I get my exercise done. I alternate between a run or strength training. I am usually training for a marathon somewhere. Then, breakfast with my husband Oisin and nine-year-old daughter Meabh. Oisin works in television, so regularly has to travel around the country for work. We share the school run, depending on our timetables.
I travel to the lung community clinic. These clinics are based around Co Galway. My team of specialist nurses, physiotherapists and physiologists and I see patients with COPD and asthma. We provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for patients at the clinic.
Patients with COPD can struggle with worsening symptoms over the winter months. We aim to optimise their condition and get patients enrolled in pulmonary rehab programmes, which also run in their community. This allows them to access care closer to home.
Lunch is usually on the go, while driving back to the hospital. Parking at the hospital can be tricky at this time of the day. This is another advantage for patients in the community clinics.
I take medical students for a bedside tutorial, teaching them the basics of how to perform a lung examination on a willing patient. I am always amazed at how kind and generous patients are with their time when it comes to educating students.
Zoom call with COPD Support Ireland to discuss ways to raise awareness of COPD and the benefits of staying active.
Paperwork time. I triage patient referrals, review test results, catch up on emails, etc.
Family time and dinner with Oisin and Meabh. Thankfully, my husband enjoys cooking so he usually has dinner ready for us. After homework, Meabh usually has an activity to attend: soccer, gymnastics, piano, etc.
After Meabh’s bedtime, I usually get some study done. I am completing an MBA with the University of Galway. I love learning new things. I can also implement these skills as I lead the roll-out of integrated care for patients with COPD and asthma in Galway.
Bedtime. I sleep quickly after a busy day.
- Dr Sinead Walsh leads the respiratory service at the Galway City Integrated Care hub. To register for the 'Step Up and Step Out' virtual exercise masterclass for people with COPD this World COPD Day, on Wednesday, November 15 (12-2pm), visit