Nature photographers tell tales behind this epic photo gallery

This image, entitled ‘Humpback Feeding’, was the overall winner of the Love Your Coast 2023 photo competition. It was taken by photographer Stephen Dunbar in Broadhaven Bay, Co Mayo.
Beautiful nature photographs often make you wonder how much time, thought and commitment the photographers devoted to capturing such remarkable moments.

Below you’ll find a link to a gallery of 50 amazing images captured by the finalists in Love Your Coast 2023, the annual photography competition hosted by Clean Coasts, the coastal protection group.
The finalists were chosen for images that capture the natural beauty of the Irish coast. The purpose of the competition is also to draw attention to people’s role in protecting the natural world around us.
The images were shortlisted into six categories: Coastal Heritage, Wildlife & Under Water, People & The Coast, Wildlife & The Coast, Coastal Landscape, and Protectors of the Coast. This sixth category is a new addition, celebrating individuals and groups who volunteer their time to care for and clean sections of the nation’s coastline.

A member of An Taisce, the independent charitable voice for the environment and for heritage issues, Clean Coasts hosts a range of activities throughout the year to encourage people to think about the protection of the natural environment.
These activities include the #2minutebeachclean campaign, hosting the Ocean Hero Awards and a range of thought-provoking activities with local communities and across social media.
While many of these activities require relatively little time commitment, they are all designed to help raise awareness of the natural beauty of the coastline around Ireland and the oceans beyond.

To find out more about the activities of Clean Coasts, or to register to with a community group near you, click here: