Cork city land offer at €2.6m is set between two development sites for over 1,000 homes

Arderrow lands, Ballyvolane, have €2.6m guide and can be bought in lots

Longview is headed by John Crean, and backed by investment fund Temporis Capital, and is cleared for a mix of 531 houses and 222 apartments, on lands acquired in two tranches over six years ago by Longview. It has a 10-year planning grant as part of the strategic Ballyvolane urban expansion plans under strategic, long-term Cork Local Area Plans. Total development value here is likely to be north of €200m.
When 53 acres also at Arderrow went for sale in February 2022 there was speculation reported that Longview’s lands might be sold in a quiet deal put at around €20m, but has not been sold. The 53 acres offered in February 2022 had a €3.2m AMV via agents CBRE and ERA Downey McCarthy, and had 47.55ac set for tier 3 residential zoning and 5.65ac zoned open space.

Alongside this latest offer to the west is the new 275 home development Arderrow, commenced by O’Flynn Group on a 7.5ha site, just 3km north of Cork city centre: The O’Flynn scheme approved under a strategic housing development (SHD) process is for 205 houses and 70 apartments.

Site works have recently commenced on the two adjacent developments “with a recent announcement of significant infrastructure work being delivered by Housing Infrastructure Services Company (HISCo) a commercial joint venture between Cork County Council and the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) to enable the development to commence,” say the selling agents of this €2.6m offer, in one or more lots.

They have different zonings in the Cork City Development Plan 2022-2028, with 6.5ac (2.63ha) zoned “district centres” to provide for the development and enhancement of district centres as mixed-use centres and as primary locations for retail, economic and residential growth. The second zoning is on a slightly smaller parcel, 5.6ac (2.26ha) which is zoned “institutions and community”, to provide for and protect institutional and community uses:combined price for these on c 12 acres is €1.95m.. The balance of the land, about 15ac or 6.48ha is zoned “public open spaces”, guided at €650,000.

- Lisney 021 -4275079.