Become a member of ICMSA and have Ireland’s most efficient farm organisation working for you!

ICMSA is an organisation that is run by, and works for, farmers
Become a member of ICMSA and have Ireland’s most efficient farm organisation working for you!

As a member you will be part of Ireland's specialist dairy family farm organisation with over 70 years of experience, expertise and commitment all available to you and just a phone call away.

  • ICMSA gives you access to a staff and a network that can advocate and work for you personally! Whether it’s problems with the Department, Council, your bank or insurance company, legal or employment issues, or any of the other numerous issues that will affect a family farm then sound and sensible advice and help is one single phone call away. The moment you ring your Member Relation Officer or Head Office you’ll know that a team is working on your behalf and that a staff of experts is looking to see how your problem can be solved.
  • ICMSA is an organisation that is run by, and works for, farmers. And only farmers. We’re not a commercial platform for anybody and we’re not interested in doing lucrative deals for ourselves. But we do operate members discounts for a huge range of goods and services and the kind of one-to-one service that every farmer should be able to avail of is reserved for members of ICMSA.
  • Through our membership of the European Milk Board (EMB), we can similarly ensure that Irish family dairy farms also have extensive and deep connections to specialist dairy farmer organisations in every state in Europe. Being part of ICMSA makes YOU a part of that Europe-wide network.
  • ICMSA has a presence in media both domestically and overseas that keep our aims and policies in front of policymakers and, therefore, keeps aims and policies designed to help YOU in front of policymakers.
  • Members have an opportunity make resolutions and voice their opinion at our area and regional meetings, resolutions that can become part of ICMSA policies.
  • ICMSA members are entitled €100 off Zurich Farm Insurance.

If this sounds like a service and organisation you’d like to have ‘in your corner’ then contact at 061-314677 any working day or alternatively email at any time. A local Member Relations Officer will be back to you straightaway.

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Karen Walsh

Karen Walsh

Law of the Land


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