The Mick Clifford Podcast: Dissecting the outcomes of the Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use - Dr Cian Ó Concubhair

Dr Cian Ó Concubhair of Maynooth University join's Mick on this week's podcast
The Mick Clifford Podcast: Dissecting the outcomes of the Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use - Dr Cian Ó Concubhair

Maynooth University law lecturer Dr Cian Ó Concubhair is Mick's guest on this week's podcast.

Last week the Citizens' Assembly finished its work examining how illegal drugs are dealt with in this country and whether a more enlightened approach is required. 

One very interested observer of the work was Maynooth University law lecturer, Dr Cian Ó Concubhair, whose specialist area is in policing. 

Cian also had personal interest in the assembly and its deliberations dating from an event in his own life that ultimately led him down a path to studying law.

Dr Ó Concubhair join's Mick on this week's podcast.

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