Letters to the Editor: Raising the garda recruitment age is an act of desperation

Eva Mahedy, Westmeath, Stephen O'Donnell, Kildare, Emer Sheehan, Tipperary, David Darker, Kildare, Aideen Gavin, Galway, Chris Stynes, Laois, Luara Funney, Mayo, and Philip Curran, Waterford, among the new gardaí at their passing out parade in Templemore on Friday. Picture: Brendan Gleeson
No one in their right minds would want to join a police force at 50 years of age, when most gardaí are retiring, unless they are desperate for excitement or for something to do, putting themselves in harm’s way or dealing with ever increasing bureaucratic oversight or incessant investigations by Gsoc or other internal Garda units.
I despair at the direction our force is taking with bureaucrats, accountants, pen- pushers, and political ineptitude, destroying the very fabric of an admired and dedicated organisation.
This proposal by Ms McEntee reduces the professional standards of recruitment and fitness that has been the hallmark of this organisation.
Having observed with growing despair, over the last week, how the anti-Israel narrative has asserted itself day-by-day, the sense of a desperately wounded and aggrieved Jewish people has been dispatching to the periphery by the ideological warriors of the pro-Palestinian movement (safely tapping away at their laptops) who, attempt with every observation, to diminish the suffering of a traumatised nation by offering doctrinal justification for Hamas’ murderous rampage against a civilian population.
Antisemitism has been making comeback in recent years, with the same tired old myths and misinformation being trotted out by the hate-mongers; the same cocktail of prejudices that in the past fuelled repression, denial of citizenship, and ultimately genocide.