Letters to the Editor: Getting to grips with the Irish language

Pascal Ó Deasmhumhnaigh writes that, despite being taught Irish every schoolday between the ages of 4 and 18, he can speak French better. Stock picture
If you want to get adventurous, there are 70-plus distinct spellings of Yew placenames in Ireland, eg, Athy (Áth Í = Ford of the Yew), Donohill (Dún Eochaille = Fort of the Yew Wood), Emly (Imleach Iubhair = Marsh? at the Yew), Mayo (Magh Eo = Plain of the Yew), Newry (An tIúr = The Yew), Rush (Rus eo = Peninsula of Yews) and Youghal (Eochaill = Yew Wood).
Lean ar aghaidh.
Thank you Catherine Martin for taking your job seriously. Events like the Ryder Cup don’t just happen. They need to be researched, prepared, and seen in action. Finer details don’t just happen.

Some jobs are better than others and unfortunately we all can’t have the good jobs, but those that do have them need to do them well and Catherine Martin seems to be doing her job well.
We can not expect our minister to head off on her own with a notebook and end up with the standard of event we would be proud to host.
We have a history in this country of hosting world standard events, indeed when we hosted the Eurovision four times out of five we redefined the standard in my opinion. That happens from preparation, so thanks to all involved and I expect to see the preparations continue in two years' time in New York.
Around the main entrance door to Cork University Hospital 24 separate signs indicate that bicycle parking is prohibited, yet not one sign indicates any bicycle parking area convenient to the entrance.
For an organisation that is supposed to look after and promote the health of citizens this is most disappointing. Perhaps some of the vast HSE budget could be spent on a bicycle rack — and a sign.
Issues regarding the governance of the Peter McVerry Trust raised in your report are worrying — ‘Peter McVerry Trust problems ‘eminently salvageable’, says charity rescue expert’ (IrishExaminer.com, October 1).
However while not wishing to add further to these worries, it should be noted that according to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), we now have a whopping 520 such approved housing bodies (AHBs) operating.
This state of affairs has arisen due to the change of government policy that outsourced the management of social rented housing which had been a main function of local authorities up to 2004. Since then, taxpayer’s money has gone to build houses which were then handed over to these entities to manage.
RTB further informs us that the 520 AHBs now manage a stock of 30,000 houses. That is 520 different boards managing 30,000 houses.
God only knows what else is lurking under the radar waiting to dismay and shock us. But is it really any wonder at all that we have a housing crisis?
The impasse between the Garda Commissioner and rank and file gardaí is a deep cause of concern. It seems difficult to understand how matters came to this point with 99% of frontline gardaí expressing no confidence in their commissioner.
It is unfair to personalise the current dispute around the Garda Commissioner as the seeds of the situation extend well beyond him. By their generalised criticism some politicians have had a significant role in undermining garda morale. Politicians now need to play a positive role in restoring that morale.
The Synod on Synodality which opened in the Vatican on Wednesday is not alone a defining moment for the long-term legacy for Pope Francis but for the Church itself. Change is in the wind.
The Pope’s recent suggestion that there could be a way for the Catholic Church to bless same-sex unions marks a reversal of its previous teaching issued in 2021 that “the Church cannot bless same-sex unions because God cannot bless sin” is a remarkable advance in his thinking about a more inclusive Church of the future.
Hopefully, this radical move by Francis is but the first of many that will occur during the course of this Vatican assembly.