'We don't let asthma define us' say dad and two children with the condition

Mike McDonagh with his children Michael Junior and Clodagh. Picture: Ray Ryan

Identify what triggers your child’s asthma — whether viral infections, exposure to irritants or even exercise. “This is by no means a call for young people to stop exercising. If their asthma is well controlled, they’ll be able to enjoy sport. I say to my patients: Having asthma doesn’t mean having less fun.”
needs a lot of rescue inhalers. “There should be routine follow-up with a healthcare professional every three to six months to check the inhaler, the inhaler technique, and to update the asthma action plan.”
Take a Breath challenge invites people to hike (or ramble) to raise much-needed funds towards the Asthma Society’s mission: To stop asthma deaths in Ireland.
Visit asthma.ie or contact phaedra.vlahos@asthmasociety.ie
The Asthma Society’s webinar, ‘Back 2 School for Teachers and SNAs’, this Thursday, September 28 (7-8pm) via Zoom (Registration link: exa.mn/asthma-webinar) will equip teachers/SNAs with tools to support pupils with asthma throughout school year — in particular through challenging colder months ahead. Worries teachers have around administering medication, responding to asthma attack/asthma emergency, will also be addressed.
If worried about asthma/COPD, speak to asthma/COPD nurse specialist — free phone consultation 1850 445464 (Asthma)/1800 832146 (COPD) or text query to Whatsapp nurse messaging service: 086 0590132.