Shopping for a development site? Try Rochestown Road next to Douglas Court Shopping Centre for size

The Orchard, Rochestown Road - Development Site
DEVELOPMENT may be beckoning at opposite ends of Cork’s affluent suburban Rochestown Road.

Just listed for sale is a 1.19 acre site beside the Douglas Court Shopping Centre, with an old 1970s bungalow on it at the Douglas village/Fingerpost end, with possible scope for up to 30 residential units or a smaller number of large homes on it.

And, at the far, eastern end, of the Rochestown Road, permission has been sought this month for demolition of the former Rochestown Inn at the foot of Monastery Road (not currently trading,) along with removal of a part-constructed side structure.

The application for the Rochestown Inn’s replacement is from a company Niorsesa Ltd, associate with Sweeney family, and seeks permission for a two to four storey development to include a bar, café, and 12 apartments overhead, six of them one-beds, the other six each two-bedroomed, along with pedestrian access off Rochestown Road, a new cycle lane, set down area, ancillary car parking and public and private bicycle parking.
Meanwhile, by the Fingerpost, Cork city agents Sherry FitzGerald, jointly with Sherry FitzGerald Reynolds, guide the bungalow property called The Orchard at €1.75m.

It has two sections of frontage, 45m and nine meters, to the Rochestown Road, with a separately owned house also on the road, on the village side of the Rochestown Park Hotel, facing some of the road’s premier private houses behind high stone walls.
The joint agents describe it as “the Grade A well-established desirable area of Douglas/Rochestown Road,” and say there’s good access, a range of adjacent services plus a bus stop.
It doesn’t have any active planning on it, but “has potential for a new development of either large detached or a higher density scheme,” they say, and the zoning is ‘Sustainable Residential Neighborhoods’ which allows for residential and other uses.
This stretch of the Rochestown Road was the focus of a piecemeal site assembly strategy back in the early 2000s by the Love family/Shipton Group/Douglas Developments who'd previously developed the Douglas Court Shopping Centre around 1990, but the plans stalled around 2012 after the economic, property and retail crash.
Meanwhile another still-stalled project midway on the Rochestown Road is the largely completed scheme of a half a dozen or so luxury brick-faced homes by the church/roundabout, the centre of a protracted legal dispute which was expected to reach a resolution in the past yar.
DETAILS: Sherry FitzGerald 021-4273041, Sherry FitzGerald Reynolds 058-23444.