Planning granted for 1,300 homes in Cork city's largest-ever single residential development

Leeside Quays Limited, which is a subsidiary of O'Callaghan Properties, lodged an application with Cork City Council earlier this summer seeking permission to develop more than 1,300 residential units at the Goulding’s site, Centre Park Rd and Monahan Rd, in the city's docks.
Planners have signed off on the single biggest residential development plan in Cork city centre.
Leeside Quays Limited, which is a subsidiary of O'Callaghan Properties, lodged an application with Cork City Council earlier this summer seeking permission to develop more than 1,300 residential units at the Goulding’s site, Centre Park Rd and Monahan Rd, in the city's docks.
The proposal was put forward under the Large-Scale Residential Development legislation which facilitates the development of large residential schemes.
The site is earmarked for 1,325 residential units, half of them one-bedroomed, in 10 buildings ranging from two floors, up to one building with 14 floors, on a site bounded on either side by Monahan Road and Centre Park Road.

The proposed buildings range in height from two to 14 storeys. There are also plans for cafés/restaurants with outdoor seating areas, service retail units and a convenience retail store on the ground floors of the scheme.
Leeside Quays Limited was last year given the green light for two planning applications elsewhere in the South Docks. One related to a mixed-use development comprising four new buildings and the conversion of the long-idle Odlums building. The other was for a proposed rehabilitation hospital.

This latest application is coming from Leeside Quays Limited, O’Callaghan Properties subsidiary, in a development likely to be worth in excess of €600m.
Founded in 1969 by Owen O’Callaghan, O'Callaghan Properties has delivered over 7,500 homes in Cork over more than half a century, as well as shopping centres and offices, with other major schemes in London and Dublin.
The Irish Examiner reported in June that the planning application would soon be lodged.
Speaking at the time, managing director of O'Callaghan Properties, Brian O'Callaghan said thousands of jobs had been created in Cork's docklands, adding that it was imperative that residential development ran parallel with this.

He added that the project will be "an exemplar for the 15-minute city, explaining it was be highly sustainable and served by efficient public transport.
Plans for the Cork docklands include a projected 20,000 units in the coming years, on a variety of sites, with no move to date on a previously granted application from Glenveagh Properties for 1,000 apartments on the former Live at the Marquee site, lodged directly to An Bord Pleanála as a strategic housing development in 2021.