How can I get my car ready for the school run?

After a busy summer, it’s a good idea to get your car ready for the school run. Pictures: PA
During the summer holidays, most cars get heavily relied upon. Be that for holidays, trips to the beach or even more frequent journeys into town.
With this year’s summer being slightly damper than the last, it’s likely that people have been using their cars more often to dodge the rain, too.
But, as September comes onto the horizon, so does the prospect of the return to the school run.
It’s a busy time for a car, too, so now is a great opportunity to get it ready to get back to term-time routines.

It’s remarkable how much dirt and rubbish can accumulate over the summer period. Your car will feel noticeably better for simply being cleared out, so make sure that you get rid of any rubbish which may have found its way in – but hasn’t gone out – of the interior.
You could also give it a quick vacuum in key areas like the seats and carpets, while a quick wipe-down with a car-friendly cleaner over the dashboard and plastics will have it feeling like new again.

A car is only running as smoothly as the fluids in it, so make sure that you check to see that they’re all as they should be. Engine oil can easily be looked at using the car’s dipstick, replacing it each time as you add a small amount of oil – if required – to measure the level it’s at.
You can also make sure that your car has plenty of washer fluid, while the coolant levels could be checked – it’s usually a small, see-through bottle towards the back of the engine bay. If you’ve got any queries, always make sure you take your car to a professional for assistance.

Your tyres are vitally important. After a busy summer, you need to make sure that they’re at the correct pressures – you can find these either in the car’s handbook, behind the fuel filler door or inside the area where the driver’s door closes – and then top them up appropriately. You can find air compressors to do this at most petrol stations, or you can even buy plug-in ones to use at home.
Make sure that the tyres have plenty of tread, too. Give the ‘wall’ of the tyre an inspection for any cracks or damage, while making sure that the main grooves of the tyre have at least 1.6mm of tread left.

Though the weather during the summer has been quite damp, we’ve seen some big extremes in temperature. Both warm and cold days have been present and these can often play havoc with a windscreen if it has suffered any damage.
A small chip – which can be caused by a stone – can quickly develop into a crack if left unattended. Fortunately, there are many companies that can repair chips – usually by injecting them with resin – which can stop them from getting worse. However, if you have a large crack in the screen, then it’ll need replacing.

Though it might not be pleasant to think about, September does mean that the days will be getting noticeably shorter. As a result, you’ll probably start using your headlights more often than you will have done during the heart of summer, so make sure that they’re all working as they should.
It’s a good idea to have a friend or relative check while you cycle through the different lights – and check the brake lights, too. You’ll need to replace the bulbs if they’ve blown or organise this repair at a garage.
Plus, now is a good opportunity to change your wiper blades if they’re worn out. You’ll need to change them if they’re squeaking or failing to properly clear water away. It’s easy to do at home, too, and this makes an instant difference.
Remember, keeping your car serviced properly is a great way to avoid any potential mechanical issues further down the line. Check to see when your vehicle was last serviced and, if it has gone beyond its schedule, get it booked in and checked over. Though it might cost money, it can help prevent far bigger bills later on.