Podcast: The remarkable life of the man killed by a rooster in Ballinasloe

When Jasper Kraus was killed by a rooster at his home nearly a year ago, the story spread around the world. This Irish Examiner podcast series looks at the ‘insensitive’ headlines, the tragedy of his life as well as his Hollywood glories 
Podcast: The remarkable life of the man killed by a rooster in Ballinasloe

Jasper Kraus's bizarre death after being pecked by a rooster made headlines around the world.

Episode 1: Spur of the moment

Jasper Kraus's bizarre death after being pecked by a rooster made headlines around the world. But who was the man behind the clickbait headlines? Circus performer, movie stuntman, and tragically bereaved dad... this is the extraordinary story of an exceptional man.


Episode 2: The Greatest Showman

Lots of children dream of running away with the circus, but Jasper Kraus actually did. His daughter Virginia tells of his life as a circus performer, movie stuntman and — after tragedy struck his family — as a horse whisperer.


Episode 3: We need to talk about Kevin

Jasper had moved back to Ireland for an idyllic country life with his wife Anne and two children, Virginia and Kevin. By the time of his death, he hadn't seen Anne in more than two decades. Not since the horrific death of their son Kevin.

This podcast was originally published on April 8, 2023.

This podcast is part of our Best of 2023 series Find more of our favourites here.

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