Five walks to enjoy in Munster during the sunny spell this weekend

Lough Mohra Loop, Co Waterford offers expansive stunning views of the surrounding countryside
This walk follows old mass paths leading to the church in Kilcommon village. These paths were created by centuries of Slieve Felim inhabitants travelling to Kilcommon to celebrate religious occasions. The walker is taken on minor roadways, forestry roads and cross country as the trail traverses the Bilboa River valley twice and takes in the forested lower slopes of Mauherslieve or Mother Mountain as well as some open hillside.
A Mass Rock is about 200m off the trail on the outward journey in the townland of Laghile. As you walk, there are beautiful views of the river valley below as well as of the surrounding Tipperary and Limerick countryside.
In association with Sport Ireland.

This walk takes you on quiet country road, a very short section on regional road, tree-lined laneways, farm track and grass track, on a lovely wooded path beside the glen and through fields on a working farm, passing the ruins of Killagholane Church (worth a visit). Spectacular views of Limerick open up from the higher ground including the Shannon Estuary on clear days.
You may also see birds such as meadow pipit, barn owl and pheasant, animals including hare, red squirrel, badger and fox, wild flowers like bluebells and honeysuckle, hedgerow trees such as hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn and ash as well as the Irish oak. Three other trails start at this trailhead.
In association with Sport Ireland.

This looped walk in Glenpatrick Woods ascends on forest roads and across open country to reach the coum of Lough Mohra, nestled under the steep-sided, spectacular and breath-taking Knockanaffrin Ridge. The lake is situated in a marshy hollow which was created by glaciation.
Having made the journey to the lake it is worth spending some time in this serene spot, from where the walker is treated to expansive stunning views of the surrounding countryside, including the River Suir below and, on a clear day, of the peak of Slievenamon, on the horizon. The walk traverses part of the old scenic Clonmel to Kilmeadean military road. One other trail starts at this trailhead.
In association with Sport Ireland.

This loop takes the walker along a towpath on the bank of the River Shannon as far as the striking structure of the Parteen Weir Hydro Dam, returning along the track at the base of the Ardnacrusha Headrace Canal embankment. Apart from the climb up the road to join the embankment and descent off it, this is a level walk on grassy and riverside path with firm durable surfaces.
It is a very pleasant countryside walk although some of the riverbank may be wet. There are two fish ladders so that returning fish, such as salmon, can climb the river safely past the power station. Two other trails start at this trailhead.
In association with Sport Ireland.

This loop takes the walker on river bank, forest road, track and path, through forest and farmland, bringing you through a mixture of broadleaf and conifer trees in a remote steep sided valley known as the Sherwood Forest of Munster or Valley of the Fairies, a place of peace and tranquillity along with wonderful variety and stunning views.
The zone along the river forms an important wildlife corridor linking to the nearby bogs of Knockatarriv and Doolaig. It is steeped in history and folklore. These woods would have been used as a refuge both during the Desmond Rebellion and the Irish Civil War. Two other trails start at this trailhead.
In association with Sport Ireland.