Life Hack: Four easy ways to keep your home free of flies in the heat

Say goodbye to flies by adopting some of these habits
It’s the bane of every sunny day: you throw open the windows and the flies rush in with the breeze. Previously our readers appreciated advice on creating a ‘home brew’ with washing up liquid to catch and kill flies. Now, we’re sharing more ways to not only rid your home of flies but keep them from entering it as much as possible. From carefully chosen plants to delicious summery scents, here’s how to stop flies from buzzing around you.
We hate to admit it, but our neighbours abroad have the right approach. By fitting screens to windows, doors and balconies, as is common in America and Australia, flies can’t get into your home but a cooling breeze can. They aren’t a common sight in shops here but they can be ordered online and made to measure.
There are some plants that flies absolutely detest. Among those are basil, mint, marigold and lavender. Plant these in your garden to keep the flies from coming too close to your home. Alternatively, if you don’t have much or any outdoor space a flowerbox with a selection of these plants and herbs will also do the trick – plus when it’s right at the window it seems like it will be more effective at driving them further away.
Similar to the scented plants, there are essential oils and that repel flies as well as some store cupboard staples and popular fruits that can drive them away. Some of these overlap with the herbs and plants mentioned (lavender and peppermint essential oils, for example) but these and others like lemongrass and eucalyptus can be added to a diffuser in oil form to spread a lovely aroma that flies won’t enjoy. Spices like cloves and cinnamon too, which I’ve previously highlighted as a repellent for moths, are also useful for keeping flies away. Keep a bowl of dried cloves and cinnamon sticks in each room to see a drop in fly presence there. Citrus fruits are also hated by flies: they are the base for citronella candles, a popular solution to a fly problem outdoors. Keeping dried orange peel on your window sill will also work.
Another reason flies can be found in your home is the ease of access they may have to their favourite food: your rubbish. Empty your bin regularly to avoid spoiled food growing smelly and attracting flies. You should also make sure your bin has a fully functioning lid which ensures flies can’t get access to the litter within. Finally, keep your kitchen counters clean and tidy, ensuring all food waste is removed as soon as possible.