Guidelines for writing a letter to the Irish Examiner

We are delighted to hear from our readers, and welcome all submissions. Here are some things to consider to improve the chances of having your letter published
Guidelines for writing a letter to the Irish Examiner

Picture: iStock

In writing your letter, we ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines. These are the factors we consider when choosing which letters to publish.

1. Are the comments sincere and well argued? When this is true, your letter has a much higher chance of publication;

2. Are the points made succinctly and in logical order? It helps our editing process if you complete one point, then move on to the next point and paragraph;

3. All emotions and tones are welcome, including humour, anger, sadness, joy and the merely curious;

4. Letters that are personally abusive or (to our knowledge) inaccurate will not be published;

5. If your letter references an Irish Examiner article, please provide a link to that article. If hand-writing a letter, please include the headline and date of publication.

How long? We have no minimum length, but it’s rare for us to publish a letter longer than 400 words.

How many? We publish about 10 letters each day and aim to be a platform for as many different voices as possible. If we get a lot of letters from one individual in quick succession, we will not publish all, or possibly any, of these.

Can I write by post? We can be reached by post at Irish Examiner Letters, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. However, we encourage you to submit your letter by using this form instead.

My details: We do not publish letters anonymously, except in rare cases where there are issues of safety or possible harassment to consider. In all cases, we require your name and address please. These details will be published unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
We also ask for your telephone number and (if you have one) your email address for verification purposes. These details will not be published.

Edits: Letters are subject to the same editorial processes as all our content. We reserve the right to shorten, correct and provide additional context to your letter where necessary.

If you have any queries about our guidelines, we can be contacted at

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